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- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.39022398

in a better future and can emerge even stronger institutions when the crisis is over, but only if they are su...

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.39022398

in a better future and can emerge even stronger institutions when the crisis is over, but only if they are su...

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.39022398

in a better future and can emerge even stronger institutions when the crisis is over, but only if they are su...

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.39022398

in a better future and can emerge even stronger institutions when the crisis is over, but only if they are su...

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.05341101

Getting food waste out of the trash may provide the key to fixing the dated waste systems in the state.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.043609906

The speech played to Lamont’s strengths and downplayed his weakness as a late-in-life politician who rarely attempts oratorical high notes.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.043609906

Hundreds of protestors gathered Wednesday outside the Capitol, pressing returning lawmakers to reject mandatory vaccinations and coronavirus-related restrictions on gatherings.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.085325375

Click here for the full transcript and video of Gov. Ned Lamont's state of the state speech.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.45526132

COVID-19 has proven that detaining our youth is a choice. We can choose better. We are well over nine months into this public health crisis, and youth are still being detained and incarcerated at juvenile and adult facilities across the state and nationwide.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.39022398

in a better future and can emerge even stronger institutions when the crisis is over, but only if they are su...

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.45526132

COVID-19 has proven that detaining our youth is a choice. We can choose better. We are well over nine months into this public health crisis, and youth are still being detained and incarcerated at juvenile and adult facilities across the state and nationwide.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.39022398

in a better future and can emerge even stronger institutions when the crisis is over, but only if they are su...

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.043609906

Connecticut's attorney general said the state's price-gouging law was no match for COVID profiteers

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.043609906

Unless a committee of 10 lawmakers votes to reject the declaration, it will take effect within 72 hours of signing.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.06541486

Gov. Ned Lamont will co-chair a National Governors Association task force on pandemic and disaster response.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.32518667

The virus is surging and the death rate is increasing as the already overburdened health system is in crisis. Yet, there is talk of the legislature again considering a bill to permit doctors to provide lethal prescriptions to terminally ill adults requesting them. This is despite

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.07631733
- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.038158666

Imagine what would happen if a preschooler didn’t “use their words” when they got upset about sharing, instead stomping around yelling while adults simply observed in silence. Think about what the school climate would feel like if a student punched another during recess while others watched without seeking help.  Now consider the actions – and inactions – by Trump Jan. 6 as the electoral vote coun...

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.07313604
- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.03270743

The COVID-19 pandemic has given many transgender individuals the incentive to begin gender-affirming hormone therapy.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.038158666

The state will announce a tiered approach prioritizing each population in that phase, beginning with people 75 and older.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.05341101

Getting food waste out of the trash may provide the key to fixing the dated waste systems in the state.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.043609906

The speech played to Lamont’s strengths and downplayed his weakness as a late-in-life politician who rarely attempts oratorical high notes.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.043609906

Hundreds of protestors gathered Wednesday outside the Capitol, pressing returning lawmakers to reject mandatory vaccinations and coronavirus-related restrictions on gatherings.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.085325375

Click here for the full transcript and video of Gov. Ned Lamont's state of the state speech.

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.39022398

in a better future and can emerge even stronger institutions when the crisis is over, but only if they are su...

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.39022398

in a better future and can emerge even stronger institutions when the crisis is over, but only if they are su...

- - Category : USA, Arkansas - Relavancy : 0.39022398

in a better future and can emerge even stronger institutions when the crisis is over, but only if they are su...

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